smart goals overview and free template

what are smart goals and how can you use them to achieve more?

SMART Goals are statements of what you are working to accomplish that share a clear overview of your approach. Let’s break it down.


SMART Goals can be used for anything. Whether you want to make a certain amount of money, land a new business deal, improve your personal development, or something else, you can utilize SMART Goals to help you plan to make that happen.


SMART Goals are broken down into five components:

  1. Specific: what is the goal that you are looking to accomplish?

  2. Measurable: what will you use to measure the goal?

  3. Achievable: are you able to complete this goal?

  4. Relevant: how does this goal align with your overall mission or vision?

  5. Time-Bound: when will you accomplish this goal?

When you tie all of these pieces together, you are left with one goal that outlines clear expectations, approaches, and deliverables.

To give you an example, here is a SMART Goal we have set for The Collective Co.:

We would like to increase our community membership by 100 members within the next year by setting up strategic partnerships with local chambers of commerce in an effort to bring more working women together to collaborate, make magic, and build their businesses.

Within this goal, here are the SMART components:

  1. Specific: increase our membership

  2. Measurable: 100 members

  3. Achievable: yes, it averages to only about 9 new members per month, which isn’t difficult

  4. Relevant: it connects us to more women, and our mission involves supporting women

  5. Time-bound: 1 year

set your own smart goals

SMART Goals can be used for anything. Whether you want to make a certain amount of money, land a new business deal, improve your personal development, or something else, you can utilize SMART Goals to help. We’ve created a free editable SMART Goals template so that you can work towards accomplishing all of your goals this year!


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promoting positive change: dear woman